Humanity is at stake and the outspoken of the race go in all directions. Some see the chances of AI, some see the risks. An important point is less discussed. What exactly are we?
The open letter of [1] calls for a pause in AI. Millions used chatGPT, though that is still only a fraction of people that started to understand AI.
A new focus for Humanity
What humanity now has to focus on is to make sure to get the value out of AI with a clear intention to automate the fulfillment of all the basic needs while at the same time the nations start a competitive race about how the people are brought onto their personal development path. We don't want them to engage in revolutions after all, right?
It is stunning, as well as expected, how mundane and restricted this thinking in the open-letter [1] is. As if humans would have been born to do “jobs”, fulfilling or not (what a empty, undefined word in this context). Why would jobs that arguably often fill the emptyness of many of us have a bigger right to exist than the others. Just because the person thinks so. Or who else judges what is fulfilling?
What will happen if AI get's its way?
AI will push humanity over the edge of this flat earth thinking, based on the belief that life is about stuff. Specifically the leadership will be challenged. Leadership is a reflection of the current average state of personal development in a respective nation.
Well, life is not about stuff. At least not, if a person has a healthy self. That on the other hand is not very spread. When more and more stuff is just “there”, we ll finally be able to use the time and energy to grow.
Though, that will need a concerted effort by the elite to do what they did so well in the last tens, hundreds and thousands of years. To condition everybody else through the media. It worked with keeping our environment clean of rubish, it also will work for personal growth. But it has to be done.
It just makes sense that anybody older than e.g. 35 becomes a coach. A coach to kids, adolecent and (young) adults. Some will do that step earlier, some later. It is deeply fulfilling to be in contact in that way.
Koh Phangan shows nicely what happens, when basically everybody in a small city is on their personal path of growth. There are already quite some locations like that around the planet, but those are only light-towers of innovation. "The future is already there, but it is not equally distributed." said a wise man. There are centers for innovation, and this innovation is not only about tech, even that many think so, because that's where the big money is.
The big next step for humanity will not consist of only this tech. Rather it will also need to develop the average spirit. This personal growth is about healing our personal traumas, finding new ways of relating, raising kids, organizing society.
Every some hundred years there comes a new religion. A religion can be seen as a consolidated body of understandings that is compressed into simplified beliefs and respective tools.
On that basis such a body of knowledge can easily be copied, taught, conditioned. It seams that the time has come for a next one. May it take 10 or hundred years. That is up to us. It will most likely emerge out of a fluid environment, as a single human grows in times where his/her system is unstable or fluid, so can a nation grow in such times, as well as humanity.
This instability may result from the mess humanity creates. It is already well under way with e.g. the confluence of AI, depletion of intact nature and climate change.
One of the hindering effects for this development to take place is the blatant ignorance in the capitalistic, technical corner of society. The current interpretation of capitalism has no chance of surviving without a UBI Universal basic income. May it be based on CBDCs or other means. There is just not enough buying power without that for all the products coming out a a capitalistic, highly automated industry.
So the idea of “You will have nothing and you will be happy with it” of Klaus Schwab may be the paradies that Koh Phangan and other places already are for many. It just depends on implementation.
Expect the rich to grow richer on the way and the poor poorer, as it always was. At the same time it doesn't matter much, since rich and poor is vastly about stuff. And this will not be about stuff anymore. So all the money and power will not help the rich much. The middle class will have less but won't take much note, since it doesn't matter anymore.
The idea of the “singularity” is a nice thought construct. Since, just as the big bang is just a wrong assumption, also the "singularity" discussion is based on just an equally wrong assumption. The assumption that we are non-spiritual beings. But rather than that, we live in holographic and fractal universes.
And just because our greatest minds with maybe the highest IQs can’t wrap their synapses around this doesn’t make this spirituality less true. Just because science can’t ask the right questions yet, doesn’t make it less existent. After all we don’t know how they built the Pyramids. So Science clearly is restricted and actually most is up for trust and belief.
So it apparently needs something else then IQ to be able to understand this truth. What that is, I don’t know yet. Maybe openness, EQ, maybe the experience of the connection to source. The result is basic trust. Whatever that source really is.
My current guess is, that it is just a connection to the deep authority in us, as HD describes it. And the connection between us happens through my unconsciousness having a sort of 99% same experience (e.g. of a 3D world) than everybody else on this planet. Obviously the same experience makes us feel to sit in the same boat, therefore connected.